Essenian and Egyptian Therapies

Energy Medicine

These treatments concern the being in its triple constitution, body-soul-spirit, and in its multi-dimensionality.

All the knowledge that these treatments require leads the therapist to: Working with this universal energy which bears the name of prâna, working with the chakras and nadis as well as practicing surgery on the subtle bodies.

Through this approach, the practice of Essenien and Egyptian applies to:

Restoring harmonious energy circulation throughout the body through conscious and respectful work on its chakras, its nadis and its multiple levels of subtle organs.
Promoting the detection and elimination of toxic thought forms which are often the cause of many diseases
Initialize or facilitate awareness allowing the being to take important steps in their inner development.
Identify and unclog hurtful memories that may be blocked in the body’s cells.
Work to prevent possible physical and psychological disorders by detecting areas of blockages or energy intoxications destabilizing the body or certain of its organs.

Each session is performed on the body working with Sacred essential oils. Sessions usually last around 90 minutes, to book a therapeutic treatment  you can call or email me directly. 

Available in Huntingdon & Tadoussac or Distance Healing


75 minutes –  $110 / session (10 $ rebate for new clients)